Peggle app is a terrific game you won’t get tired of playing

What can I say about Peggle to prove how mind-blowingly entertaining this game is? There are 55 levels to conquer and 40 challenges to pass until you become the Peggle Master. This game offers endless hours of fun.

In each level, a master helps you get through. The masters bestow you with magical powers such as fireballs and super pointers to guide your ball to its destination.

The objective of Peggle is to bust all the orange pegs on your level with silver balls. You use your finger to guide the ball launcher to your ball’s destination, press the launch button, and watch your ball go. The controls are sensitive, so be careful where your ball is aimed before you press the launch key. Also, use your balls wisely because as soon as the balls run out—your game is over.

Once you clear your level of all the orange pegs, the fun isn’t over. Your ball can land in one of the bonus point areas, ranging from 10,000 to 100,000 points. Also, you get bonus points for each ball you have left over plus points for a few other surprises. Then you are rewarded with a unicorn and a rainbow while fireworks and music play in the background.

Peggle is a joy to play and it rewards you for having fun.

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